Lincoln Train Museum

Lincoln Train Museum - Gettysburg

Lincoln Train Museum - Gettysburg
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
12:00 - 17:00
Duração: 1 a 2 horas
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4,0 de 5 bolhas278 avaliações
Muito bom

Clearwater, Flórida189 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
set. de 2023 • Casais
I’m surprised to see several disappointing reviews of this interactive museum. We were fortunate enough to visit with John, “the barefoot guy” and WOW is he interesting! Don’t let the lack of shoes fool you! He has taken the museum over from a friend who passed away, trying to preserve this nostalgic piece of history. It was actually heartbreaking to hear the struggle he was having to keep this place alive. The interactive “train ride” was one of the neatest things we did in Gettysburg. Keep in mind, we are a couple in our 50’s without children or grandchildren this visit. If you take the time to really look around the actual museum and to do the train ride (which sounds and feels very realistic), I think you will agree, it’s a pretty neat place and worth the visit. The video that plays during your “train ride” explains a part of history (that is quickly being forgotten) very clearly and simply, making it easy for young people to understand. Kids will definitely love the hands on experience. Adults will appreciate the history. We appreciate John striving to keep his friend’s dream alive! Visit the Lincoln Train Museum and make sure you time it to “ride the train”! Thank you, John!
Escrita a 27 de outubro de 2023
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Pittsburgh, Pensilvânia468 contributos
3,0 de 5 bolhas
set. de 2023 • Amigos
The entrance to the museum was filled with what seemed to be flea market items. There was not no one at the desk. After about 10 minutes a bare footed gentleman came out and took our money to enter the museum. There is a good collection of interesting items. Most of the train display did not work.
Escrita a 25 de setembro de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

michigan388 contributos
3,0 de 5 bolhas
ago. de 2023 • A sós
Lots of interesting things to see and read, kids may like it more than adults. They only take cash so be prepared. The trains are old antiques from the 1930's, Lionel standard gauge, some American Flyer wide gauge and only 2 of the trains ran when you pushed the operating buttons. It's worth spending a little time here but overall, average.
Escrita a 31 de agosto de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Lori Y
3 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
jul. de 2023 • Família
Wow! Simply wow! There is truly something for everyone here! Want to see the only surviving piece of the S.S. Maine? How about a lock of George Washington's hair? Maybe an antique pistol recovered from the deep? And train models,train layout, and the truly amazing train ride with President Lincoln! Youll click and clack your way (virtually,it never leaves the building!) With the train swaying and chugging along to President Lincoln's hometown! I honestly cant even begin to describe all of the exhibits, I couldnt do them justice! The gentleman at the museum was a rare breed in this day and age...a true gentleman! He made the exhibits come to life! He has incredible stories to tell not just about President Lincoln but also about his life as a marine biologist and the exciting adventures he has had. This museum is an absolute MUST! Fun, entertaining and so educational! Thank you for a simply wonderful time!
Escrita a 8 de julho de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Amy B
1 contributo
5,0 de 5 bolhas
jun. de 2023 • Família
We come to Gettysburg at least once a year. Our somewhat train obsessed children (9&5) insist on visiting the museum every year. There is a nice collection of model trains and some interesting memorabilia. Those who remember seeing and hearing James Getty in person will enjoy his narration through the first timeline exhibit and the train ride. The Lincoln train narrated diorama is cool too. The gift shop is on the kitschy side and there are some elements in need if repair, but it's still near the top of the list for our kids!
Escrita a 29 de junho de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Sue A
Kane, Pensilvânia100 contributos
2,0 de 5 bolhas
jul. de 2022 • Família
We went with expectations of the grandkids(2 & 4) having fun watching the trains.
We knew it was not going to be quite what we expected when we were greeted in the storefront/ junk store part of the museum by the barefoot owner.
The train sets didn’t seem to be working as well as they should-no whistle even.
The Lincoln train experience was a bit weird and the kids definitely didn’t enjoy that.
On the positive side they have lots of trains & memorabilia to look at.
Not sure it was worth the admission price though.
Escrita a 9 de julho de 2022
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Um membro do Tripadvisor
1,0 de 5 bolhas
ago. de 2021
The museum was purchased a few years ago from the original owner. Now the new owner keeps strange hours. Although the website says it's open 9-5pm, he told us that the last train ride with Lincoln went out at 2pm. At 2:20 he said he was closed, but we could continue to tour the museum. When we left the museum for the gift shop, ALL the lights were already turned off. So much for souvenirs! Such a shame. Most of the train garden no longer works when you push the buttons, only the outside track train and a few amusement park pieces.
For $10 each, it was sadly unimpressive. I do not recommend.
Escrita a 27 de agosto de 2021
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Shane S
Matamoras, Pensilvânia20 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
ago. de 2021 • Casais
Was finally able to get in to this place after years of just missing the season. Beautiful collection of all sorts in the museum and a truly unique experience in the train ride.
Escrita a 25 de agosto de 2021
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Binghamton, Nova Iorque753 contributos
3,0 de 5 bolhas
jul. de 2021
We visited the Train Museum on our July visit to Gettysburg. We paid our admission and we started with a short narration from "Lincoln" on several small screens.

When we finished the man who sold us our tickets met us by some train bells and had us ring them. The first thing we all noticed was that he wore a full face shield and was barefoot! It was so odd to see someone walking around a place of business barefoot.

After the bell demonstration we walked around. I had visited the museum many years ago and it had changed since my last visit. There seemed to be less trains and more random items. The big train that runs across the ceiling was not running and neither were a few others.

The simulated train ride was okay. I found it weird that the Lincoln coffin was in the train but the ride was supposed to be about Lincoln going home with his son.

The gift shop is a mess of "antiques" strewn along some souvenirs.

I doubt I would go back.
Escrita a 19 de julho de 2021
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Beth S
Connecticut, United States78 contributos
1,0 de 5 bolhas
jul. de 2021 • Amigos
I don’t know what to say, but it’s not at all what we were expecting. Wish we had read reviews first!! The man who runs this place is clearly a wealthy of knowledge, with an extensive collection of many different pieces of history. The displays, however, have no cohesiveness, and very few of them have anything to do with Lincoln. The model train display needs some serious repairs. Just when we thought we had seen it all and were ready for the train ride, the man comes out and gathers us around a display of things that he had recovered diving in Florida that once again had nothing to do with Lincoln. And he gave us this 10 minute presentation barefoot, which was totally distracting! And then pointed out the book he wrote. And the train ride! Who insists everyone touches the same whistle before getting on the train with Covid still around, and then puts a reused hat on a kids head? The train ride was pretty realistic in feel, but it was just narrated by a Lincoln actor, but again had nothing to do with Lincoln. Overall, it was an incredibly strange experience!
Escrita a 19 de julho de 2021
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

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