Theatre of the NO - Atenas
Theatre of the NO - Atenas
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71 avaliações
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Ματίνα Π
1 contributo
dez. de 2024 • A sós
Very pleasant and comfortable, ground floor space, with tables for your drink and relaxed atmosphere. Gentle, friendly and unpretentious people who work there! I saw the "tea with Mozart" and even though I was alone, I felt wonderful! The show was very well worked, with very nice voices and remarkable theatricality but also the atmosphere of the space contributes greatly to having a very good time and to want to watch the events there. I declare fan!
Escrita a 23 de dezembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Arndt M
6 contributos
nov. de 2024 • A sós
During a short business trip in Athens, I stayed at a hotel right next to this theatre (Athens One Smart Hotel) where I found a poster from the theatre about an opera show. I ended up going to two shows there. They were both really good and in the show called "Sunday tea with Mozart," although I have been to more glamorous opera shows, I heard some of the best voices I have ever heard with my own ears. I would have attended more shows had the trip been longer, and I would have gone to see the opera show again just to hear these voices.
Escrita a 13 de novembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
4 contributos
out. de 2024 • Amigos
A really nice experience. The staff was extremely welcoming and friendly and the show was very interesting, to say the least. All the actors really did their best performing their roles. Would definitely recommend it!
Escrita a 5 de novembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Marcin D
3 contributos
set. de 2024 • Casais
I want to thank the Theatre of the NO for putting on ambitious jazz performances in a city that neglects my favorite genre. They also put on operas and I find it baffling how they manage to find voices of such astounding calibre. One soprano that I heard in a couple of different performances even sounded remarkable like Gundula Janowitz, and I thought the world no longer had such voices. NO is a must for all serious music lovers coming to Athens. Do not miss Gypsy trio!
Escrita a 2 de novembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Aikaterini V
2 contributos
out. de 2024 • Amigos
Once again NO puts on an unforgettable opera. I am already a big fan of the two wonderful singers from Prometheus, Housakos and Leifsdottīr, but I was surprised to see they are both even better than before! Koutsamani was wonderful too, its the first time I heard her heavenly voice and what a joy to hear! The pianist Paraskakis played wonderfully. I liked Housakos presentation very much too. This wonderful opera lifted up my spirit.
Escrita a 25 de outubro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Atenas, Grécia8 contributos
out. de 2024 • Amigos
It was a decent show especially for the opera lovers. The voices were very nice . A simplified text to be better understood to the audience. The space was basic. The people of the theatre were kind. I liked the fact it was early and punctual.
Escrita a 22 de outubro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Thenia P
2 contributos
set. de 2024 • Casais
A very amusing performance, with talented actors.
The enviroment was friendly and everyone was giving their best self so that the audience would have the best experience.
Very good choice for an english speaking audience.
The enviroment was friendly and everyone was giving their best self so that the audience would have the best experience.
Very good choice for an english speaking audience.
Escrita a 23 de setembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Εβίτα Α
3 contributos
ago. de 2024 • Amigos
Excellent the show I saw, I laughed a lot! (bachelors and bachelorettes) also very nice and comfortable space, with a drink together.
Escrita a 22 de setembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Korina P
Atenas, Grécia1 contributo
set. de 2024 • Amigos
The place is very friendly as well as everyone there!! You can drink wine or soft drinks at low prices! Following discussion at the end of
Show with the actors!! It's worth a visit!
Show with the actors!! It's worth a visit!
Escrita a 20 de setembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
Chris M
Katerini, Grécia1 contributo
set. de 2024 • De negócios
Just watched a double performance in English, "FOCUS GROUP/RESISTANCE IN A TIME OF PEACE". Both challenging and innovative acts played by really talented actors!
Definately worth watching@@!
I really enjoyed it and looking forward for another play!
The venue was very friendly and comfortable with a very welcoming staff.
The first act was a powerful monologue of a woman in her 30s struggling to leave a rather manipulating relationship.
On the second act we witness, from the one hand, the path that society nowadays leads some people that have nothing to live for, on the other hand, we can see Karla's struggle to get the job done, despite her moral arguments, in order to keep her job.
Definately worth watching@@!
I really enjoyed it and looking forward for another play!
The venue was very friendly and comfortable with a very welcoming staff.
The first act was a powerful monologue of a woman in her 30s struggling to leave a rather manipulating relationship.
On the second act we witness, from the one hand, the path that society nowadays leads some people that have nothing to live for, on the other hand, we can see Karla's struggle to get the job done, despite her moral arguments, in order to keep her job.
Escrita a 2 de setembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.
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