Acropolis Treasure Hunt

Acropolis Treasure Hunt - Atenas

Acropolis Treasure Hunt - Atenas
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As melhores formas de explorar o ponto de interesse Acropolis Treasure Hunt e as atrações nas proximidades

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A área
Bairro: Thissio/Makriyanni
Com o mesmo nome do bem preservado e antigo templo de Hefesto, Thissio é privilegiado com um pequeno parque florestal e algumas ruas menos frenéticas que oferecem vários lugares mais tranquilos para ficar e comer. A Rua Apostolou Pavlou, em grande parte para uso exclusivo de pedestres, fica entre a Acrópole e o monte de Filopappou. Lá, você tem ótimas vistas panorâmicas até chegar a Rua Dionysiou Areopagitou. Assim, você entrará em Makriyanni, uma área em ascensão cujo destaque é o novo museu da Acrópole. A entrada para os montes ao sul da Acrópole fica em frente ao museu enquanto a estação de metrô próxima, Eponymous, fica no início da Rua Makriyanni, com vários cafés e restaurantes turísticos.
Como chegar lá
  • Neos Kosmos • Caminhada de 6 min
  • Akropoli • Caminhada de 6 min
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5,0 de 5 bolhas54 avaliações
Muito bom

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Melina G
Grécia53 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
dez. de 2024 • Família
We had an amazing time exercising our mind, our imagination and our observation! Harris encouraged and rewarded us as much as we needed. He stood up to our big company and happily photographed us!
Escrita a 25 de dezembro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

caio g
1 contributo
5,0 de 5 bolhas
out. de 2024 • De negócios
We recently participated in a treasure hunt in Athens with a large group of 35 people, and it was an unforgettable experience! The challenges were engaging and well-designed, making the adventure both fun and intellectually stimulating. The sightseeing was absolutely breathtaking, allowing us to explore the city’s hidden gems in a unique way.

The hosts were incredibly friendly, knowledgeable, and accommodating. They clearly know Athens inside and out, and their passion for the city made the experience even more special. They prepared an amazing adventure for us, ensuring that everyone had a fantastic time.

Highly recommend this treasure hunt for anyone looking to explore Athens in a fun and interactive way!
Escrita a 22 de outubro de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

atul sinha
Mumbai (Bombaim), Índia5 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
We had an absolutely amazing time with this activity. We were two families and we have 2 children aged 10 and 11. The treasure hunt activity was incredibly well planned with bringing in some beautiful learning along with the treasure hunt activity. A great way for both our children and for us to learn. Charis, the event host, connected incredibly well with the children and with us, and was a pleasure to be with.
Escrita a 13 de junho de 2024
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Lluvia R
Cidade do México, México45 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
The best tour of all the ones we did in Athens!
Charis is the best!
My family had an amazing afternoon on the scavenger hunt!
We recommend it 100%
Escrita a 20 de agosto de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Lisa K
2 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
jun. de 2023
This was the perfect family tour. Our two teens enjoyed learning Greek history and discovering ruins while solving riddles and playing games. The adults loved it too! Charis is warm, friendly, extremely knowledgeable, and a superb guide.
Escrita a 18 de junho de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Sydney, Austrália45 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
mai. de 2023 • Casais
An Acropolis Treasure Hunt? Yes, please!

What better way to explore the ancient sites that skirt the Hill of the Acropolis, engaging with history (and the intriguing traces of Greek we use in modern-day English)?

Similar in format to an outdoor “escape room”, this fictitious mystery of a missing archaeologist takes you on a walking exploration from one site to the next. You are given a bag of props at the start and, at each stop, there is a puzzle to solve. No need to feel intimidated if you aren’t a confident code-breaker: the puzzles are fun but not overly difficult. If you get stuck there is a game leader on hand to give you all the hints you might want. There was also a good variety of puzzles, so that everyone can have a chance to shine.

This treasure hunt was a great half-day out in the city. We played it as an adult couple, but it would be enjoyable for families with young children, too, or groups of friends. Especially recommended if you want to discover as much of ancient Greece as you can fit into your trip but have kids (or adults!) in your group who might grow bored with repeated museum visits.

An additional note: It was my partner’s first visit, while I had explored, researched and written about many of the sites on previous trips to Greece. Charis skilfully managed these different levels of background knowledge so that we both got to play an enjoyable game. She was a ray of sunshine and a fabulous game leader, generous with her knowledge about the history of the area. She was also very flexible with timing, accommodating our need to start and finish early to have plenty of time to get to Piraeus for the afternoon ferry.
Escrita a 12 de junho de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Lana A
Sharjah, Emirados Árabes Unidos2 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
mar. de 2023
Charis was an amazing guide! She was so good with the kids (9 - 12) and also kept the adults engaged with all her specialized knowledge. Highly recommend that you do this first, as someone else mentioned. This was money well spent for the kids AND the adults. Thank you, Charis and the Acroplis Treasure Hunt!
Escrita a 29 de março de 2023
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

eleni m
Glyfada, Grécia6 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
We have booked the treasure hunting with Charis for our team building! It was such a fun and interesting, learning historical information while we were playing!
Charis was so gentle and well prepared for any question raised
I highly recommend to experienced acropolis treasure hunting with Charis! We love it so we will book another session for our children 😀
Escrita a 28 de dezembro de 2022
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Argyro Sylvia D
Tessalónica, Grécia15 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
set. de 2022
A great thank you to the team of the Acropolis Treasure Hunt because you helped to bond our team. We participated in the game as an organization looking for a team building activity and we enjoyed every minute of it. We learned a lot, there was something for everybody, even for native Greeks who are supposed to know their history. Go ahead and book a game!
Escrita a 27 de setembro de 2022
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

Ethan K
Virginia10 contributos
5,0 de 5 bolhas
set. de 2022
This was a fantastic experience, and would be fun for all ages and groups.

We chose to do this as a team building exercise for our team and it was the perfect end to our retreat. The guide was well informed, helped us all enjoy our time together and learn about historic Athens with the challenge of cracking a few puzzles at the same time!

I would absolutely give this 5 stars and would highly recommend.
Escrita a 26 de setembro de 2022
Esta avaliação é a opinião subjetiva de um membro do Tripadvisor e não da Tripadvisor LLC. O Tripadvisor verifica as avaliações.

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Acropolis Treasure Hunt - O que saber antes de ir (ATUALIZADO 2025)

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